Blacksmiths' Guild of the Potomac Inc.

A interactive place for members of the guild

Monday, April 24, 2006


Well it came and came till we got about 3" of wet stuff .rain but, that is all gone now.
A good group of hardcore dedicated blacksmiths gathered for our Spring Fling substitute. We had plenty of eats and drinks and nice big buildings to stay out of the worst of it
The iron in the hat was of extraordinary quality this year thanks for your generosity.

Above BILL SHEAR and his wife have a chat with Wally Yater

more to follow .i cant upload the photo now for some reason

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Well SPRING PARTY is almost on us . Preparations are proceeding. All is well except the weather forecast. Showers and cool please dress for the weather,as we have no heated kitchen this year.We still have hope.

We will have the big grill from the wildlife club on site and we will provide dogs and beans through the day . There are restaurants and even a McDonalds in Berryville

This year we will be all under roof. This is going to be our permanent home for Spring Fling starting next year so we want to make a good impression. Next year it is back to the 3rd weekend in April so you can set your calendar. We will have a kitchen next year.

Wear your badge prominently. . It is required at all times .See you sat am